Pregnant Women
Tobacco Use and Pregnancy
Every day you do not use tobacco while pregnant
allows more the oxygen to reach your baby and helps the baby grow. A
baby that is born too small or too early often faces many health
challenges. Even a weight increase of a half-pound can make the
difference between a healthy baby and a baby who needs to stay at the
hospital for a while and needs costly care.
Since pregnancy is a special time for you, there are programs and
materials to help you quit tobacco.

QuitlineNC's Program for Expectant and New
QuitlineNC has a special program just for women planning or experiencing
a pregnancy who use tobacco products (including vapes) and new mothers.
Here is information on this free, effective program. QuitlineNC
Pregnancy Brochure
You Quit, Two Quit
You Quit, Two Quit is a
North Carolina program that can give you information and materials about
tobacco use during pregnancy and how Quit for your health/your wallet
and your baby's. You can download information on quitting during
pregnancy, staying quit after the baby is born, secondhand smoke and
your baby and the truth about e-cigarettes and vaping during pregnancy.
Smoking Cessation Video
In this N.C.
Healthy Start video, a former smoker discusses her
motivations for quitting and the steps she took to quit. The video
includes tips and resources on how to become smoke-free.