The 5 As
We have developed a series of treatment algorithms for quick navigation
through the 5As counseling method, detailing approximate length of time to
complete each step. Select to view the appropriate treatment algorithm for
your patient:
Arrange follow-up with patients
Arranging can take as little as 1 minute
and is an important component of the 5 As. To
arrange and ensure consistent follow-up
with patients who have set a quit date:
- Follow-up should occur soon after the quit date,
preferably during the first week.
- A second follow-up contact is recommended within the
first month.
- Schedule further follow-up contacts as indicated.
Keep in mind that nothing can replace the involvement of
the health care provider giving personal follow-up in
patients' quit attempts.
Actions during follow-up contact:
- Identify problems already encountered and anticipate
future challenges.
- Offer patient materials
to reinforce the cessation message.
- Assess medication use.
- Remind patients of the free QuitlineNC
service (1-800-QUIT-NOW).
- For patients who are abstinent or have made some
progress, congratulate success.
- If tobacco use has occurred, discuss triggers, and
ask for commitment to total abstinence
Counseling Delivery Methods
Use one or more of these methods to support integrating
tobacco dependence treatment within your practice.